Saturday, February 2, 2008

More about A,A, County's Finest

I guess this one slipped my mind, I should have written about it already.
An Anne Arundel County Police officer has broken our law again. Surprised to hear that??

Unfortunately, I am not surprised at all, as you know I have seen way too much of this. What did they do this time? you might ask.

This time the officer ( sounds like such a high rank for such a horrible person) left the scene of an accident, and yes the 'officer' was involved in the accident. Now as we already know that is breaking the law all by itself. Who was it again that trained these cops around here?

The other vehicle involved in the crash was deserted , left alone by someone sworn to help the people of this county. The driver was deserted in that vehicle, and the driver died.

The most likely answer to this is that the cop was drunk. Everyone knows there are 'cop' bars, where they all go out and drink together. It's been this way since I was a kid.

Now one of them has killed someone ( again already??) and has been put on administrative leave. What the hell is that !?? If this were anyone else, they would be awaiting a visit with the commisioner ( yes that means in jail, charged with something)

I have had more than enough of their cover ups and their willful breaking of our laws.
It's time to do something about this, what yet, I am not sure.

If those we pay to serve and protect keep doing the things that they are doing wrong, how the hell is anyone supposed to be able to sleep at night, especially if a loved one isn't home yet. Instead of the criminals out there, the cops seem to be the most dangerous thing out there.

I am sick of them covering up for 'their own'. They are paid to protect us, not to hurt us and then cover it up.
Enough said this morning, I'll keep you updated on this one.

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