Monday, February 4, 2008

Katrina Victims

Now that Mardi Gras in almost here again, it makes me think of Katrina. What a major scar of the face of the U.S. I have never seen something so messed up in this country in my life.

The fact is that the victims who were actually in New Orleans and Mississippi were not the only victims. It had a domino effect on alot of people.

Do you remember the nursing home full of people? Those poor souls died, basically at the hands of their own caretakers, nurses sworn to help support life, not to snuff it out. I still can't imagine what the hell they were thinking, well, maybe they just thought nobody would ever find out. I still can't believe that these nurses walked on their charges.

Now to the domino effect: A friend of mine was a resident of a Maryland nursing home when Katrina hit. She had lived in Mississippi before and has alot of friends still in the area. It took three whole weeks before she recieved a post card letting her know that one family of her friends was ok.

At the time there was also a woman in the same nursing home who was 101 years old, she heard about what happened at the nursing home ( the nursing home had the news on why?)and that the people were left to drown. The poor old soul got it mixed up and thought that it was going to flood where she was.
For days and days, that poor woman laid in her bed with her arms up in the air ( yes literally days !!!!) yelling for God to take her now before the water got there, she was afraid that she was going to drown.

This stress killed the poor woman, so now you have yet another victim all the way in Maryland. Can you imagine holding your arms up like that, even for five minutes. This is so so sad.

Most of the people displaced by the hurricane and flood are still just that...displaced. What the hell, this is the United States. No one should still be stuck in a FEMA trailor at this point. Almost unbelievably , there are literally towns of trailors. It has been two years !!!! I am not a government basher by any means of the word, but this is one instance where I see that our gov. didn't and still isn't doing enough for these people.

We watch them build houses all the time, what does it take these days for a pre fab house? maybe a few days? maybe a week? Why the hell isn't someone down there building new houses for these souls stuck in trailors, or still living in another state since the hurricane.

We have plenty of money to send up the shuttle, we have plenty to rebuild Afghanistan, always plenty of money for everyone else, not to mention all the cash that the foreigners are here, really screwing up our economy, are earning ( taking away jobs that should belong to Americans). Why not spend some government money and build homes for the victims who survived.

What a black eye we have for this, the saddest truth here is, people and the government seem to have forgotten. Let everyone remember and let everyone know that the conditions are still horrendous down there even this long after the actual storm.

It makes me ashamed of our goverment, to put it mildly. It's way past time for someone to do something !! It's just not right. Illegal immigrants all have homes to live in and our very own people still don't.

What's wrong with this picture???

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