Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day !!

I think it would be alot happier if mine didn't start out by seeing another bunch of gay men and women holding hands and kissing each other ON THE NEWS!!!!

Again, and I dont' know why, they are trying to legalize same sex marriages in Maryland.
This 'bill' was just squashed not too long ago, now they have plastered themselves all over the tv again.

Apparently, even the lawmakers here don't know the law. Sodomy and Oral Sex are still ILLEGAL in this state, and those laws have not been changed. There is no reason to have a bill, asking for rights by breaking our laws.

Of course I have been calling the local tv stations, and of course I am getting either a busy signal or no answer at all.

I am extremely pissed off about this, my children are up and I should be able to watch the morning news in front of them without having to worry that they will see some fairy assed man in a tuxedo kissing another one just like him. This is friggin' disgusting.

When are the normal people going to get OUR rights back?? We can't offend any others, who may be either gay, or any religion other than Christian, or even an illegal immigrant. What about the reason this country started in the first place? IN GOD WE TRUST, and serve him however you please.

Now it seems ok to be anything other than a Straight Law Abiding Christian, it is ok for all of the others to offend us, and to try so so hard to keep anything, even the 10 Commandments, out of the public eye.

No matter what religion you are, the 10 Commandments are human decency rules to live by, the only reason they don't want it out there is because it came from God, whom they choose not to serve.

Have a happy Valentine's Day (oh, my is that St. Valentine??),, I am surprised we are even allowed to celebrate this day.

I hope yours is better than we will have here in MD, with fag couples all over wanting to marry each other. So disgusting.

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