Thursday, January 31, 2008

Transgender restrooms???

Oh my !! and to think that I have already heard it all. I just saw on the news that Gainesville Florida is trying to make some pulbic restrooms for transgender people.
I am not sure how I feel about this, the state reqires that there be public restroom available in the stores, restuarants, and other public places.
I wouldn't want some man who decided he wants to be a female in the restroom with me and especially in there with my children.
At the same time, I don't want my children to see that there even are transgender freaks out there. ( Seeing a third kind of bathroom?)
What the hell are these people thinking?? Do any of them remember what it means to be an innocent child??
They need to go home to use their own restrooms, and their real selves from people who don't care to know.

Seriously, why the hell do these Freaks of Nature ( or is that the scalpel?) think that the world wants to or needs to know their nasty way of life. Do they not realize that children are being exposed to this crap because of them?? Obviously, they don't care, or they wouldn't be out there trying to get special attention in front of everyone , all over the news and tv.

My tolerence for this is running out rapidly. where in this world do I need to go to find some morality?

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