Monday, February 25, 2008

New Law in Maryland?

Ok, here we are in February and the Legislative session is in.

There is a new law up on the board this year to make it a fineable crime to smoke a cigarette in an automobile that has children under six years old in it.

Now, I think not smoking in an enclosed vehicle carrying children is not such a bad idea, I think they are not looking at the really important issues here. The air is already so bad here that you can get lung cancer without ever even smoking a cigarette. They need to clean up the air here first before they try to clean the air inside people's cars.

There are many many people on the road talking/texting on their cell phones. Many times I have had huge suv's riding my tail, and yes with my children in the back of my van, because they are on the phone, oblivious to the fact that they are putting my children in danger.

I think they should outlaw cell phone usage in vehicles here before they worry about smoking. Those drivers out there are much more deadly to us and to our children.

Note that I do think if someone smokes in a vehicle, that the person should have the window opened so that it sucks the smoke out. This is still safer than a giant truck trying to run you down because the driver is too busy talking on the phone.

Let's try to work on the BIG issues before we mess with the piddly crap.

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