Monday, December 10, 2007


I am sure all of you have seen at least one news story in which a person is getting schocked by police with tasers.

Already a few people have died.

These cops, who think they are the judge and the jury, should be punished !!

Now, I do understand that the tasers need to be used , only in severe circumstances. Only if the person is able to fight off five or six officers, then, yes tase him ONCE ! and ONCE only. That is enough to keep someone still long enough to cuff.

But, we have these 'gung ho' cops who think that they need to squeeze the trigger over and over again, even though the person is on the ground screaming and writhing in pain.

They are only supposed to be used when someone is physically combative, not because they are still 'running their mouth'

Cops have way too much freedom to break the law, and I am quite sick of it.

I see them speeding, driving dangerously and especially aggresive driving, I have had them ride my tail way too many times. And the reason they are riding my ass....because I AM doing the speed limit.

When I won't get out of their way, they pass me on the right and make me hit my brakes as they cross back over in front of me.

Back to the tasers, they should not be in the hands of cops who don't realize that they are only cops and not judges.

They should not be in the hands of cops who are so very obviously on steroids !! Yes, you can see this for yourself, just keep your eyes open, I am sure you will see many many cops with necks as wide as their heads. They are using these drugs, and we all know how they make men act. And I suppose women as well.

Fact is , they are people who are using their badge to be above the law.

Did I mention that the cops killed a 23 year old man in my very own neighborhood? They didn't use tasers on him, they simply beat him to death, and then of course, say that he must've had a heart attack while they were cuffing him. I was out there and the biggest cop they had was standing in the middle of the road blocking it.

He wouldnt' even let the ambulance drive down there, and once they were done beating him, obvioulsy only because he unconconcious, finally they let the medics RUN , (yes on foot) down there trying to run a stretcher all they way down there, and also carrying all their heavy supplies that they needed to take.

Oh, and yes, there were witnesses to this unlawful beating.

I am sure that there are many more like this out there.

I am sure that there are still 'good cops' out there as well, and I suggest that the police take a good long look at who they are arming and sending out to the people. Too many are a danger to society themselves, and are all too happy to break the law in the name of the law.

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