Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Contacting Our Commander in Chief

It would be nice if every now and then, we as a people feel that what we have to say is important.

I can tell you now that you can email the white house with ideas or comments.

Immediately after you send it , you will get a computer generated email saying thank you for your comments.

Not one has ever been answered and I doubt they've ever been read. ( at least the ones that I have written )

I do understand that the President must at all times be protected, but what harm would it do, do send some ideas his way?

I recently heard of a man from another country who, gained access to very private phone numbers and actually called and asked to speak to the president. Now, I am not sure why he wanted to call or what he wanted to say, but what harm could a phone call really do. Maybe not for this guy, as he is not a U.S. citizen, but I know that we would like to be heard.

I am aware of the fact that you can contact your local congressman/ woman if you want to get your voice out there.

Unfortunately, it is still up to that one person whether they pass the info on, or just keep it to themselves, because they may not agree with what you said.

Since I can't get the White House to comment, I will give you all a taste of what I'd like to say:

If we ( The United States) are going to keep letting illegal immigrants work, stay , make money and play here, then we should get at least part of their land so they have a place to live without completely taking over the space we have here. There are alot of homeless people who we should be taking care of instead.

I believe that the poverty is Mexico is either caused or allowed by their own government. I know that they have plenty of money for themselves but refuse to help out their own poor people. That is why they are coming here, I understand that, and I also know that they are hard workers. In some sense, they are coming to be voluntary slaves, to work for low wages in order to make any money at all. Their goverment shoud be doing something about this issue but I see that they are satisfied with just letting them come here illegally.

The job situation is also affected here, nobody wants to hire an American anymore because they can hire a Mexican or other illegal immigrant for less than half what they would pay one of their own. This is taking away alot of people's livelihoods, and especially the young ones who are looking for first jobs/entry postitions.

Another thing I'd like to say is: Why the hell do we have homeless people in this country, it's just as bad as Mexico, not trying to take care of the poor people. We spend billions on space exploration, probably as much on war ( which i am not totally against, by the way) . Countless millions are spent on research that will never help mankind at all.

How about taking just a little from some of these programs, put it all together, and build apartments for homeless people. There is enough money to do this, people should not be forced to live outside in the elements because they don't have enough money to pay rent. Alot of them have mental problems, and some are even faimiles with children. No one in this country should be out on the street at all for any reason. We have the money, and plenty of compassion for the poor in other countries, we need to help our own first.

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