Thursday, December 6, 2007

Freedom of Religion??

This country was partially founded on the basis of freedom of religion, to be able to worship and praise whomever and however you chose.

That is except for the women they burned as witches in Salem. I guess they forgot about that when they did that.

Now it seems that every religion in the United States has the freedom to worship as they please except for Christians !

They don't want us to pray in public, or even say God's name. There was even a girl who was suspended from school for wearing a WWJD ring.

This is getting worse and worse, I demand my freedom of religion, and I choose to be a Christian, I wll pray when and where I want, and I don't care who I offend.

I am offended by many many things out there that the states are putting up with just to be politically correct. That is a bunch of toro poo poo.

I am sick of only Christians being the only ones who are given rules and regulations while all others are getting do do whatever they please.

Makes me sick.

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