Monday, March 24, 2008

More speeding cops?

You might think by now that police officers might obey the laws that they also enforce.
I know I have ranted about this before but here we go again.
Recently I was driving north on Rt. 10 in Pasadena, when I saw a marked police car coming up beside me on an entrance ramp. As soon as he 'hit' the ramp, he drove like they just waved the green flag at the racetrack.
I tried to catch up with him to get his car number. Would you believe that I had to back off when my speedometer reached 75 mph ?! That was way too fast for me to drive, even to catch a cop breaking the law.
Luckily for me, when I reached the exit that I needed, he was there as well, sitting at a red light. When the light turned green, I can only assume that he saw the green flag wave again and reached a speed over 50 mph on Ordinance Road.
Not so lucky for him is the fact that I got his car and tag number and was able to report him. He was not on a call and was on his way back to his own precinct. Ha Ha Ha, I am sure he got into trouble.
I was told by the officer that I spoke to that calling them and reporting the aggressive driving of their officers is the best way to go, and they will be held accountable.
About time one of them actually got caught breaking the law, and I am glad I am the one who was able to report him. I will keep doing this every chance I get.
Maybe the next time one of A.A. County's finest passes me on the right and then cuts me off, I will be able to take him or her to court as they would do if it was me doing the same thing.
I want honest dependable officers to protect our town, not a bunch of 'above the law' punk assed boys in uniforms.

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