Thursday, January 31, 2008

Transgender restrooms???

Oh my !! and to think that I have already heard it all. I just saw on the news that Gainesville Florida is trying to make some pulbic restrooms for transgender people.
I am not sure how I feel about this, the state reqires that there be public restroom available in the stores, restuarants, and other public places.
I wouldn't want some man who decided he wants to be a female in the restroom with me and especially in there with my children.
At the same time, I don't want my children to see that there even are transgender freaks out there. ( Seeing a third kind of bathroom?)
What the hell are these people thinking?? Do any of them remember what it means to be an innocent child??
They need to go home to use their own restrooms, and their real selves from people who don't care to know.

Seriously, why the hell do these Freaks of Nature ( or is that the scalpel?) think that the world wants to or needs to know their nasty way of life. Do they not realize that children are being exposed to this crap because of them?? Obviously, they don't care, or they wouldn't be out there trying to get special attention in front of everyone , all over the news and tv.

My tolerence for this is running out rapidly. where in this world do I need to go to find some morality?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Yet another one

Here we go again,

They just announced on the news that yet another person has been beaten on a Baltimore City bus. The bus driver did hit the alarm button to notify the police, but by the time they got there the assailants were already gone.

Maybe the mayor should take back those raises to herself and her friends, and put a cop on every bus to protect the people. Surely if she can find money for such high raises, she could find it to protect Baltimore's citizens.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Where are MY People?

Annapolis. Yes, Annapolis, what do you think of when you hear that? The United States Naval Academy?, the Naval Base?, maybe the 'old' capitol of the United States?

There is so much rich history, most to be proud of, and some not to be so proud of.

Recently I had a birthday party to attend in my old neighborhood in Annapolis. What happened to the Americans???? I think maybe they might want to call it "little El Salvador" now. What I saw there makes me sick.

There are only a scant few people that I know left in Steven's Park. The rest have all been 'pushed out' by these foreigners. Along with their diseases and their non English speaking families, they are bringing their crime. Most of the people who have moved from there got tired of their homes being broken into and robbed.

With so much 'homeland security' and all these immigration issues that this country has been having, you might think ( at least I do ) that they might pay closer attention to what is going on. These people who don't belong here need to LEAVE. Our government, all the way from the White House to the small town sheriff's office, needs to start putting these illegals back out of our country.

I have no problem with this country being the melting pot that it always has been, but we as Americans are losing space to these illegals. It seems that no one really remembers what that word means. I haven't forgotten, ILLEGAL MEANS ILLEGAL.

We all know that if we do something illegal, we are prosecuted, yet, nothing is being done to these people, they are not even being arrested for breaking our laws.

We also know that most who come here legally are given a five year tax exempt period, and a lot of them even get money and houses from our gov so that they can start a business.

Where the hell are the perks for people born here?

It's high time to get our country back. I am not up for sharing anymore. First they took over the 7/11's around here, although I believe most of them are from India or Pakistan. Next they took over most of the gas stations, the list goes on and on.

Enough is enough, when are our governments going to see this. It's not like it used to be, with foreigners who came here legally, opened their restaurants and made us happy that they were here when we went to pick up our pork fried rice.

Bottom line is, if you are not here legally GO THE HELL HOME. We don't want you here, taking up our space, taking our jobs, and even breathing our air.

I don't see a long wait before most 'redneck' Americans take this into their own hands, forced by the governments who won't do anything about it. More power to them and I'd be happy to join in.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Gambling in Maryland

I have heard that Donald Trump himself came to Maryland and bought a large amount of property in the Curtis Bay Area. Since then, our governor ( the former mayor of Baltimore City) has been trying to push to legalize slot machines.

The people have voted, and voted against legalizing them here. Most think that it will attract the wrong type of people, and make our state even worse than it is. Prostitution, drugs, and the like.

Now the gov is raising taxes on everything he can find, telling us that we must do this because we won't agree to gambling casinos here, so we have to find the money we need somewhere else. Would you believe that he is trying to put a tax on tanning salons, that is the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a while.

I believe that there must be something special in it for him, if he can get the slots bill to pass. I have never seen someone work so hard on something like this in the almost 45 years that I have lived here. This was never an issue until the 'donald' ( and yes I know I did not capitalize that lol) came to town, and maybe??? greased the pockets of our governor, and maybe is supporters as well.

I smell a rotten fish in the Governor's Mansion. Someone needs to clean it out.

Miss Mayor

I have spoken about her before, the mayor of Baltimore City, I am sure that I mentioned that members of her family were caught doing illegal things , such as having 'fake' businesses.

These businesses were paid by the City.

Now, finally , they are getting to the mayor herself. She is being made to answer for a few 'more' actions of her own. It's about time that they do something with this woman, who puts on a persona that she is a noble woman. I see her as a cheater and an embezzler.

When she first took office, it was because the mayor at the time was voted in as governor of the state, and she had been next in line. the first thing she did when she got into office was give herself and her friends/family a two hundred thousand dollar per year raise, rather than even make an attempt to fix as much as a pothole in the road.

Somehow, puzzling to me, she was voted in to keep her position as mayor.

There were many other candidates who were much better for the job. She is obviously a cheat, and only sees what money she can get into the city, but doesn't want to put it back out into the city and help the people. There is no reason for there to be people homeless in the city, actually no reason for it anywhere.

She still continues to show her face at every event ( to get on tv?) talking about how much the event is bringing in revenues to the city. It's about time that this money be put back to the people and not just make her and her family rich.

Gay Marriages

Once again it is on the table in Maryland to make same sex marriages legal.

Maryland proudly announced just a few short months ago, that it would remain illegal in this state. I would like to know why they are wasting more time on this.

Obviously, most of us don't want it here, and I see this as an injustice to the taxpayers . I would like to see my money spent on time dealing with real issues within the legislature such as keeping power costs down, making education 'more educational', and in general the well being of the citizens of this state.

As I have stated before, sexual preference should be private, and never shoved down the throats of people who are not or do not believe in being gay.